Tax Credit Facts

Home 5 Tax Credit Facts

2018 Report By The Senate Committee On Social Affairs, Science & Technology

Quick Facts


  • An estimated 1.8 million Canadians over the age of 15 years live with a severe disability.


  • In the 2016-17 fiscal year, 45,157 Disability Tax Credit applications were rejected compared to 30,235 the previous year.


  • People with disabilities are more likely to be unemployed and have lower incomes. In 2014, 23% of people with disabilities were low income, compared with 9% of those individuals without a disability.

Rejected Applications For The Disability Tax Credit From 2018 Senate Report: Breaking Down Barriers

The Government Has Acknowledged The Barriers To The Disability Tax Credit Are A Problem.

“There are too many wrinkles in these programs that need to be ironed out if we want the Disability Tax Credit and Registered Disability Savings Plan to provide the intended assistance to Canadians with disabilities.”
– Senator Art Eggleton, P.C., Chair of the committee

“Well-intentioned and well-meaning government programs are not as effective as they could be in helping Canadians with disabilities manage the additional expenses they face due to their disability.”
– Senator Chantal Petitclerc, Deputy Chair of the committee

“Complicated eligibility criteria enabled the Canada Revenue Agency to deny access to the Disability Tax Credit and the Registered Disability Savings Plan. Canadians living with disabilities are counting on the government to fix these programs in a transparent way, and make sure that it doesn’t happen again.”
– Senator Judith Seidman, Deputy Chair of the committee.

We provide a confidential and professional service designed specifically to address your families unique needs.

Commonly Asked Questions

How long does it take to receive the Disability Tax Credit once approved?

The majority of applicants receive a decision on their application in less than 120 days after the forms are filed.

How do I receive my Disability Tax Credit refund?

Depending on how your tax returns are sent, the CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) will either deposit your disability tax credit refund directly into your bank account, or they mail you a physical cheque to deposit.

Do I get the money all at once or in installments?

Generally the Disability Tax Credit is paid in a single lump sum. The Child Disability benefits are generally paid in two installments.

How is eligibility determined for the Disability Tax Credit? What qualifies for the Disability Tax Credit?

Eligibility is not so much tied to any specific conditions, rather how these conditions impact daily life as well as how long that disability situation has persisted. To learn more about what conditions and disabilities qualify for the Disability Tax Credit, please Apply Now.

Is my sensitive, personal information secure during this process?

Privacy & Protection of our clients information is treated with the highest priority. With WDC Disability Tax Specialist Inc., you can rest assured your information will not be compromised or mishandled in any way.

Can I fill out the Disability Tax Credit application myself?

Yes. When you apply for disability tax credit on your own however, there is an increased chance of rejection due to the complex nature of the process. And even if your Disability Tax Credit claim is approved, the benefits received could potentially be far less than what you actually are entitled to. For the best chance of maximizing your success, trust an experienced specialist to work on your behalf.

For more Disability Tax Credit information, or if you have any questions about the process or working with us, we’re here to help, contact us today! WDC Disability Tax Specialist Inc. is pleased to assist in the entire process, we’ll get you approved!

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Call us at 902-755-5799 or use the form below to start the conversation.
