Chronic Pain / Fatigue

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Does Chronic Pain / Fatigue Qualify for The Canadian Disability Tax Credit?

What is Chronic Pain / Fatigue?

Chronic pain is classified as pain that lasts three months or longer.1 Research from the National Institutes of Health shows that 126 million U.S. adults (that’s more than half of the adult population) live with chronic pain.2 Ranging from being an annoyance to being a source of severe suffering, this pain can create a host of problems besides the obvious physical discomfort. A stubborn and complex condition to treat, when chronic pain persists, it can lead to fatigue and depression.

Chronic pain makes it hard to get restorative sleep and the lack of sleep can have sufferers wake up in increased pain. Less quality sleep can decrease one’s pain threshold and pain tolerance as well as intensify the pain.3 Sleep is necessary for the body to heal and repair itself. A well-rested body has a better chance of feeling physically better because sleep supports a stronger immune system which can help reduce the inflammation that comes with the injury, infection or illness that is causing the pain.

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